About us

Heating quoter is a part of the home improvement quotes family. We provide online prices not just for heating and boilers, but for hundreds of different home improvements.
We've been generating online prices since the year 2000, and have helped over 2 million UK homeowners to get one click closer to their dream home! That's almost one person on every street in the UK that we've helped.

Are you a quality heating engineer looking for more work? Please click here.

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Our system ensures your data is safe. We always ask for explicit permission before passing your information along to companies, and even then the information we pass along is masked. Your number and email address are hidden behind a code.

This means that your data is safe until you choose to share it with the companies of your choice.

And we implemented this system well before GDPR came in to effect. Your data protection has always been a high priority for us.

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